Why are sad people silent at a Mexican restaurant?
They probably don't want to taco bout it.
Why didn't people like the restaurant on the moon?
The food was fine, but there was no atmosphere.
Why did the ham sandwich walk away from the coffee shop in tears?
It saw a sign saying they didn’t serve food.
Why won't your friends share the cheese at a Mexican restauarant?
It's nacho cheese.
Hear about the new restaurant called Karma?
There isn't a menu. You just get what you deserve.
Which friends should you take to dinner?
All your taste buds.
Where do apes go to get their fast food?
Burger Kong.
Why can't you buy a bagel with cream cheese?
Because folks usually prefer cash or credit.
What does the Easter Bunny order at the coffee shop?
Did you hear that KFC fired every single one of their leaders?
It was a chicken coup.
What did the Maki say to the Nigiri?
What do you call a shy hamburger restaurant?
Did you hear about the guy who smelled something funny at the Indian restaurant?
It was naan scents.
What did the Minotaur order at Starbucks?
Half calf.