Jokes About Water
Why did the man invite us to drink from his hole full of water?
I don’t know. But he meant well.
Have you heard about the world's most famous water spy?
Bond. Hydrogen Bond.
What is water’s favorite style of dance?
Tap dance.
Why are the Great Lakes running out of water?
Because everyone is drinking Canada Dry.
If H2O is on the inside of a fire hydrant, what's on the outside?
Did you hear the one about the three watering holes in the ground?
Well, well, well…
What do you say to someone who can't afford their water bill?
Get well soon.
Where do over-explainers get their water?
From a well, actually...
What did the skeptic say when the water diviner found three deep water holes?
Well, well, well.
Why did the science kid recite the alphabet as A B C D E F G water P Q R S T U V W X Y Z.
Because he heard water was H2O.
Why did the man fall into the watering hole?
Because he could not see that well.
How do you make holy water?
You boil the hell out of it.