Long Jokes
A junior high school principal had a problem with girls who were starting to use lipstick. When applying it in the bathroom they would blot their lips on the mirrors, leaving lip prints.

So he spoke to the teachers and asked them for their help. They promised they would speak to the girls, but after two weeks, the situation didn't improve at all.

He called a few of the girls parents who were his friends for their advice, but to no avail. The mirrors were constantly a mess. Finally he thought of a way to stop it. He gathered together all the girls who wore lipstick. He then took them into the bathroom and lectured about how hard it was to clean the lipstick off the mirrors.

You could see the young girls smiling at each other, all nodding publicly but smirking to one another. The principal then asked the custodian, who was present, to demonstrate how difficult it was to clean the mirrors. The custodian took a long handled brush, dipped it into the toilet and vigorously rubbed the lipstick off the mirror.

From that day forward, the mirrors stayed lipstick free.